Thriving in the Face of Adversity- Stephanie Buxhoeveden

Stephanie Buxhoeveden is a woman living with Multiple Sclerosis and in her Ted Talk she tells her empowering story of how she has thrived in the face of adversity. Stephanie was 25 years old when she was diagnosed with MS, in the prime of her life as she recalls. She was enrolled in a competitive graduate program to become a nurse anesthetics that she had worked so hard to get into. Once she was diagnosed, she had a very hard decision to make: what was she going to do with the rest of her life? Was she going to continue to complete her graduate studies or explore new options. By choosing the latter she has become a powerful advocate, educator, and nurse practitioner for individuals living with MS. 

Stephanie knew first hand the challenges that MS could inflict on someone, so she decided that she was going to get more out of this disease than it could ever take from her. This is such an important concept that everyone living with a neurological condition, or any disease, should think about. A person's outlook on life and their disease can really impact how they will continue their journey. It is also important to remember that although a disease may not be visible on the outside, it doesn't mean a person's isn't battling the disease on the inside. Multiple Sclerosis attacks the individuals immune system and breaks down the myelin which protects nerves. The attacks cause scars to form which produce permanent lesions that can affect a person's mental and physical abilities. 

Stephanie decided early on that she would work with her illness to become a source of information and inspiration to other's living with MS. I chose Stephanie's story because although I had some background information about MS I was not completely aware of just how debilitating it can be and how it can affect individuals without warning and have serious long-term complications. By listening to Stephanie's story I realized that as an occupational therapist it is my duty to help empower my clients so that they can thrive in the face of adversity. I encourage anyone who is interested in Multiple Sclerosis to watch Stephanie's story to gain a better insight into how individual live and cope with this illness. 

Tedx Talks. (2015, April 3). Thriving in the Face of Adversity Stephanie Buxhoeveden TEDxHerndon            [Video]. Youtube.


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