OT 537 Media Project: Empty Laundry Detergent Container into a Mini Portable Watercolor Kit!

 For our media project assignment we were assigned an every day household item and were asked to design an innovate product that could be used during our client's intervention. I was assigned an empty laundry detergent bottle and at first I was unsure of what I was going to do with it. Once I read through my client's profile again one thing stuck out to me: an interest in learning more about water color painting. I thought about how my laundry detergent bottle had a handle on it and could be portable, I then realized I could use a box cutter to cut open the front of the bottle to create a storage area, and then the top could hold the water used for painting! I also discovered that the handle could be cut and used as a brush holder and from then I decided to create a mini portable watercolor kit. I think the most significant thing I discovered was that you can shape and manipulate items to fit your ideas and innovations without having to spend a lot of money and without having to rely on technology. I was concerned that I would have to spend a certain amount of money to be creative and make an idea come to life, but once I had the foundation for my design I started looking around my apartment and found a number of different items that I could use to improve my product! 

I learned that once an idea strikes you, write it down and test out new ideas! As I was designing and writing notes I learned through trial and error what worked and what didn't and continued to tinker with my design until it was functional. I used to think that a lot of intervention strategies and products included technology-based items since we are such a technology run society. But by completing this assignment I have learned that every day items can be used in a variety of ways that are cost effective, creative, and individualized! It was rewarding to create a design using products that I already owned and it was exciting to think about how I can include my client in this creative processes as a form of therapy and intervention. Completing this assignment has changed how I view my own skills and has made me realize that therapy does not always have to be fancy and high tech. Sometimes the most rewarding form of therapy is from achieving your client's goals using creative innovations. 

Please follow the link below to my YouTube channel to watch a short video of me explaining the design of my Mini Portable Watercolor Kit!  



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