Test Positioning for Our Clients
Why is it important to use bony landmarks and proper positioning for measuring ROM?
What is the purpose of the "test position" for MMT? What is the relevance of the gravity eliminated position?
It is important to use bony landmarks to measure ROM because these landmarks give us a better location to start measuring ROM. Bony landmarks are usually easy to find and palpate, and by having these starting locations, we will be able to measure the motions we are testing more accurately. In addition to finding the bony landmarks, we also need proper positioning to measure ROM so that we are able to find the correct ROM measurements. It is also important to have proper positioning so that all therapists can do their testing by using the same process, so that testing procedures are more uniform. The therapist should use proper positioning to recognize any variations from the norm, like body segment starting in a hyper extension position, or if the body segment starts in a more flexed position instead of at zero,
The purpose of the "test position" for MMT is to give therapists a standard testing process to follow so they can attempt to measure muscles more accurately by following the same guidelines. The test position during the MMT is also important because we want to have the joint placed in mid-range because this allows for the greatest muscle contraction and movement. The relevance of the gravity eliminated position is to place the client in this kind of position when they are too weak to move against gravity. When we are using a gravity eliminated position, we are trying to test muscle strength, and sometimes gravity interferes with the persons ability to fully move their muscles, so we use the position to see what the client is struggling with and how we can effectively improve muscle strength.